Eh bien, c'est une bonne chose que la voix du peuple commence à porter, certains participants ont annulé leur venue, par contre on apprend une possible frappe nucléaire sur l'Iran.
Cette fois c’est OK, la liste des participants – non exhaustive – semble être crédible (les personnalités françaises sont en rouge, cette liste n’est pas forcément complète ni sûre, voir ci-dessous) .
L’Observatoire reviendra dans de prochains articles dédiés au Bilderberg 2010 qui a pris fin le dimanche 6 Juin, dans le silence quasi-complet de la presse alignée et sans aucune information officielle sur le contenu des débats et décisions.
Cependant, les insiders anti-NWO ont pu glaner des informations intéressantes, et visiblement la crise économique, l’Euro, le nucléaire mais aussi la guerre contre l’Iran (soutenue par de multiples intervenants, dont une possible frappe nucléaire) auraient occupé une place centrale dans les débats.
Les membres du Bilderberg et les élites s’inquiéteraient également de la montée en puissance du Mouvement pour la Vérité et contre le NWO, et plusieurs invités auraient annulé leur venue pour ne pas s’exposer.
Nous aurons l’occasion de revenir sur tout cela prochainement.
Vidéo (VO espagnol sans commentaire) : Les alentours sous très haute surveillance de la réunion secrète du
Bilderberg 2010 et le balai des très grosses limousines aux vitres teintées… – Youtube
Voici la liste officieuse (et non exhaustive) des participants au Bilderberg 2010 (tour extérieur) :
BEL | Davignon, Etienne | Vice Chairman, Suez-Tractebel |
DEU | Ackermann, Josef | Chairman of the Management Board and the Group Executive Committee, Deutsche Bank AG |
GBR | Agius, Marcus | Chairman, Barclays Bank PLC |
ESP | Alierta, César | Chairman and CEO, Telefónica |
INT | Almunia, Joaquín | Commissioner, European Commission |
USA | Altman, Roger C. | Chairman, Evercore Partners Inc. |
USA | Arrison, Sonia | Author and policy analyst |
SWE | Bäckström, Urban | Director General, Confederation of Swedish Enterprise |
PRT | Balsemão, Francisco Pinto | Chairman and CEO, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.; Former Prime Minister |
ITA | Bernabè, Franco | CEO, Telecom Italia S.p.A. |
SWE | Bildt, Carl | Minister of Foreign Affairs |
FIN | Blåfield, Antti | Senior Editorial Writer, Helsingin Sanomat |
ESP | Botín, Ana P. | Executive Chairman, Banesto |
NOR | Brandtzæg, Svein Richard | CEO, Norsk Hydro ASA |
AUT | Bronner, Oscar | Publisher and Editor, Der Standard |
TUR | Çakir, Ruşen | Journalist |
CAN | Campbell, Gordon | Premier of British Columbia |
ESP | Carvajal Urquijo, Jaime | Managing Director, Advent International |
FRA | Castries, Henri de | Chairman of the Management Board and CEO, AXA |
ESP | Cebrián, Juan Luis | CEO, PRISA |
ESP | Cisneros, Gustavo A. | Chairman and CEO, Cisneros Group of Companies |
CAN | Clark, W. Edmund | President and CEO, TD Bank Financial Group |
USA | Collins, Timothy C. | Senior Managing Director and CEO, Ripplewood Holdings, LLC |
ITA | Conti, Fulvio | CEO and General Manager, Enel SpA |
GRC | David, George A. | Chairman, Coca-Cola H.B.C. S.A. |
DNK | Eldrup, Anders | CEO, DONG Energy |
ITA | Elkann, John | Chairman, Fiat S.p.A. |
DEU | Enders, Thomas | CEO, Airbus SAS |
ESP | Entrecanales, José M. | Chairman, Acciona |
DNK | Federspiel, Ulrik | Vice President Global Affairs, Haldor Topsøe A/S |
USA | Feldstein, Martin S. | George F. Baker Professor of Economics, Harvard University |
USA | Ferguson, Niall | Laurence A. Tisch Professor of History, Harvard University |
AUT | Fischer, Heinz | Federal President |
IRL | Gallagher, Paul | Attorney General |
USA | Gates, William H. | Co-chair, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Chairman, Microsoft Corporation |
USA | Gordon, Philip H. | Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs |
USA | Graham, Donald E. | Chairman and CEO, The Washington Post Company |
INT | Gucht, Karel de | Commissioner, European Commission |
TUR | Gürel, Z. Damla | Special Adviser to the President on EU Affairs |
NLD | Halberstadt, Victor | Professor of Economics, Leiden University; Former Honorary Secretary General of Bilderberg Meetings |
USA | Holbrooke, Richard C. | Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan |
NLD | Hommen, Jan H.M. | Chairman, ING Group |
USA | Hormats, Robert D. | Under Secretary for Economic, Energy and Agricultural Affairs |
BEL | Huyghebaert, Jan | Chairman of the Board of Directors, KBC Group |
USA | Johnson, James A. | Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC |
FIN | Katainen, Jyrki | Minister of Finance |
USA | Keane, John M. | Senior Partner, SCP Partners |
GBR | Kerr, John | Member, House of Lords; Deputy Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell plc. |
USA | Kissinger, Henry A. | Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc. |
USA | Kleinfeld, Klaus | Chairman and CEO, Alcoa |
TUR | Koç, Mustafa V. | Chairman, Koç Holding A.Ş. |
USA | Kravis, Henry R. | Founding Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. |
USA | Kravis, Marie-Josée | Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, Inc. |
INT | Kroes, Neelie | Commissioner, European Commission |
USA | Lander, Eric S. | President and Director, Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT |
FRA | Lauvergeon, Anne | Chairman of the Executive Board, AREVA |
ESP | León Gross, Bernardino | Secretary General, Office of the Prime Minister |
DEU | Löscher, Peter | Chairman of the Board of Management, Siemens AG |
NOR | Magnus, Birger | Chairman, Storebrand ASA |
CAN | Mansbridge, Peter | Chief Correspondent, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation |
USA | Mathews, Jessica T. | President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace |
CAN | McKenna, Frank | Deputy Chair, TD Bank Financial Group |
GBR | Micklethwait, John | Editor-in-Chief, The Economist |
FRA | Montbrial, Thierry de | President, French Institute for International Relations |
ITA | Monti, Mario | President, Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi |
INT | Moyo, Dambisa F. | Economist and Author |
USA | Mundie, Craig J. | Chief Research and Strategy Officer, Microsoft Corporation |
NOR | Myklebust, Egil | Former Chairman of the Board of Directors SAS, Norsk Hydro ASA |
USA | Naím, Moisés | Editor-in-Chief, Foreign Policy |
NLD | Netherlands, H.M. the Queen of the | |
ESP | Nin Génova, Juan María | President and CEO, La Caixa |
DNK | Nyrup Rasmussen, Poul | Former Prime Minister |
GBR | Oldham, John | National Clinical Lead for Quality and Productivity |
FIN | Ollila, Jorma | Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell plc |
USA | Orszag, Peter R. | Director, Office of Management and Budget |
TUR | Özilhan, Tuncay | Chairman, Anadolu Group |
ITA | Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso | Former Minister of Finance; President of Notre Europe |
GRC | Papaconstantinou, George | Minister of Finance |
USA | Parker, Sean | Managing Partner, Founders Fund |
USA | Pearl, Frank H. | Chairman and CEO, Perseus, LLC |
USA | Perle, Richard N. | Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research |
ESP | Polanco, Ignacio | Chairman, Grupo PRISA |
CAN | Prichard, J. Robert S. | President and CEO, Metrolinx |
FRA | Ramanantsoa, Bernard | Dean, HEC Paris Group |
PRT | Rangel, Paulo | Member, European Parliament |
CAN | Reisman, Heather M. | Chair and CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc. |
SWE | Renström, Lars | President and CEO, Alfa Laval |
NLD | Rinnooy Kan, Alexander H.G. | Chairman, Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER) |
ITA | Rocca, Gianfelice | Chairman, Techint |
ESP | Rodriguez Inciarte, Matías | Executive Vice Chairman, Grupo Santander |
USA | Rose, Charlie | Producer, Rose Communications |
USA | Rubin, Robert E. | Co-Chairman, Council on Foreign Relations; Former Secretary of the Treasury |
TUR | Sabanci Dinçer, Suzan | Chairman, Akbank |
ITA | Scaroni, Paolo | CEO, Eni S.p.A. |
USA | Schmidt, Eric | CEO and Chairman of the Board, Google |
AUT | Scholten, Rudolf | Member of the Board of Executive Directors, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG |
DEU | Scholz, Olaf | Vice Chairman, SPD |
INT | Sheeran, Josette | Executive Director, United Nations World Food Programme |
INT | Solana Madariaga, Javier | Former Secretary General, Council of the European Union |
ESP | Spain, H.M. the Queen of | |
USA | Steinberg, James B. | Deputy Secretary of State |
INT | Stigson, Björn | President, World Business Council for Sustainable Development |
USA | Summers, Lawrence H. | Director, National Economic Council |
IRL | Sutherland, Peter D. | Chairman, Goldman Sachs International |
GBR | Taylor, J. Martin | Chairman, Syngenta International AG |
PRT | Teixeira dos Santos, Fernando | Minister of State and Finance |
USA | Thiel, Peter A. | President, Clarium Capital Management, LLC |
GRC | Tsoukalis, Loukas | President, ELIAMEP |
INT | Tumpel-Gugerell, Gertrude | Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank |
USA | Varney, Christine A. | Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust |
CHE | Vasella, Daniel L. | Chairman, Novartis AG |
USA | Volcker, Paul A. | Chairman, Economic Recovery Advisory Board |
CHE | Voser, Peter | CEO, Royal Dutch Shell plc |
FIN | Wahlroos, Björn | Chairman, Sampo plc |
CHE | Waldvogel, Francis A. | Chairman, Novartis Venture Fund |
SWE | Wallenberg, Jacob | Chairman, Investor AB |
NLD | Wellink, Nout | President, De Nederlandsche Bank |
USA | West, F.J. Bing | Author |
GBR | Williams, Shirley | Member, House of Lords |
USA | Wolfensohn, James D. | Chairman, Wolfensohn & Company, LLC |
ESP | Zapatero, José Luis Rodríguez | Prime Minister |
DEU | Zetsche, Dieter | Chairman, Daimler AG |
INT | Zoellick, Robert B. | President, The World Bank Group |
GBR | Bredow, Vendeline von | Business Correspondent, The Economist |
GBR | Wooldridge, Adrian D. | Business Correspondent, The Economist |
A noter la présence d’un étrange site internet semi-officiel, qui diffuse désormais des informations sur les rencontres du Bilderberg Group avec des droits d’utilisation néants :
Ce site crypto-officiel et minimaliste déclare qu’aucune conférence de presse ne sera donnée sur la teneur des débats…
Source :, on les félicite pour le travail d'investigation.